We bridge the gap from waitlist to access to care.
We accept direct payment and insurance options.
Can't Find Local Therapies?

When your child receives a diagnosis of autism or a referral for ABA treatment. Unfortunately, you may have to wait for a spot. This can take as long as 4-6 months.

And oftentimes the wait for a diagnosis is an even longer.

How we can help!

ABA Online provides remote access to BCBAs to begin therapy while waiting for space at a local provider. Our team of Psychologists can assist with diagnosis.

What Our BCBA Therapists Do

Our BCBAs work with you and your child to understand ABA 101 and the treatment planning process.  Our BCBAs will help guide you and give you the tools needed to understand and address challenging behaviors and skill deficits.

We Offer Direct Payment

We offer direct payment and insurance options for therapy and diagnostic services. To learn more about our remote diagnostic and therapy services go to the appropriate link below and fill out the contact forms.

Want to learn more?
Contact us to learn how we can help you with your ABA therapy and diagnostic needs